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We are a group of people from all walks of live who are learning together what it means to follow Jesus, the only one who can rescue us and give us all a new beginning.


We desire to be a community who knows, lives, and gives the Good News, the message about Jesus that has transformed our lives. 


We our motivated to see our broken world rescued by its Savior, knowing that God loves the world so much that He did, is doing, and will do something about it.

about us

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what to expect

Whether you connect with us in our regular home get-togethers (we call them life groups), for worship on Sunday mornings,  or wherever, expect to be treated warmly and to be welcomed as you are. We are not a group of people who claim to have it all together, just a group of people who want to share the love of Jesus with others. Since Jesus had a come-as-you are approach, so do we. We look forward for the opportunity to get to know you.

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